The classes last 45 minutes , in groups of 10 students, reduced to 6 students due to the situation derived from Coved.
The fundamental objectives are:
Mastery of breathing.
Improved hydrodynamic position both in dorsal and ventral position.
Knowledge and differentiation of the different styles , assuming that the children have not yet achieved the necessary motor maturity to master the technique by age.
In Pre-school we differentiate between two levels:
Our improvement classes are for adolescents who have passed the four school levels, at this level swimming with lifeguard pretest techniques are worked on since they know how to swim the four styles.
The duration of the classes is 60 minutes , 15 minutes to warm up out of the water and 45 minutes for swimming, where work is carried out similar to that of pre-competition training.
There is a maximum of 12 students per monitor, currently reduced to 8 students due to the situation derived from Coved.
The objectives to be worked on at this level are:
Improved technique, to increase swimming speed with less effort.
Increased resistance capacity,
Increase and improvement of flexibility and strength.
Knowledge of some water rescue techniques
Lifeguard classes in USA are 45 minutes , and a maximum of 15 people depending on the schedule.
The term aqua gym comes from mixing the words gymnastics and water .
It consists of doing sports in the water and we are not referring to swimming, it is an exercise whose objective is muscle toning , but with the advantage and benefit that the lightness in the water makes many of the exercises and movements that they are made impossible to do in other media.
The benefits of this practice are numerous, its success is mainly due to the fact that the exercises are low-impact , not as would happen when doing them on the ground, since the weight in the water is less.
To find out more click here.
The benefits are:
- Activation of blood circulation.
- Positional correction.
- Muscle work.
- Breathing improvement.
- Cardiovascular improvement.
- Obesity prevention.
- Increased relaxation.
- Improvement of flexibility and resistance.
The School classes consist of 4 different levels, at this point the children know the styles, master breathing and the technique of the styles is thoroughly worked on.
The duration of the classes is 45 minutes and 12 students per monitor, currently reduced to 8 students due to the situation derived from Coved.
The objectives that are worked on at these levels are:
- Control and mastery of breathing in the different styles.
- Control and mastery of the stroke and kick in the different styles.
- General coordination of styles.
When the children reach level 4 of School, they perfectly master the four styles of swimming for lifeguard class online.
At these ages and levels, not only are they taught to swim perfecting all styles, they are taught to enjoy the water , to enjoy exercising and to respect the rules . We try to teach students a taste for sport.
Learning classes begin between 2 and 5 years . Here the parents will not have to accompany them to the water.
The classes last 30 minutes in groups of 2 children per monitor - the capacity being updated during the 2021-2022 academic year to 3 children per monitor throughout the course -.
The teacher will be with them in the water and another monitor will give their support from outside, creating a climate of safety and trust so that learning is more effective.
At this level they will learn to be autonomous in the water, we start with the help of auxiliary material, which little by little we will remove to move without support, until they achieve full autonomy.
More information can be obtained by entering the following address: Physical Tests and Preparation AQUATIC LIFESAVING COURSE